Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ask the Wood Experts ..

Q. My decking and siding is new. Why do I have to clean it before I treat it?

A. It is important to always begin with a clean surface. If you could look at the wood under a microscope, you would see how dirty it really is. Construction creates more dirt than you would imagine. Try wiping a damp white rag over the surface to see how much dirt wipes off. Also remember that mildew spores are invisible until they die. You certainly don't want to trap mildew under your finish. Wood finishes adhere and penetrate much better on clean wood.

About Timber Pro Coatings Company

We've been making green and sustainable envirosafe wood stains and sealers since 1996 in our factory in Portland, Oregon. We've formulated Timber Pro UV Natural Wood Finishes with the help of a world-renowned wood coatings chemist from the famous London School of Coatings. Our goal is to make Timber Pro UV the most durable semi-transparent wood finish on the market, as well as the easiest to maintain. Not only have we succeeded, but we have created a finish that is also environmentally-safe. Timber Pro UV has less than 2% hazardous ingredients - an industry low.
Many of the most prestigious, quality conscious log home builders in North America now recommend Timber Pro UV to their customers. They use it for a variety of reasons: color hold, easy application, easy maintenance, low odor (93 grams per liter VOC's), non-flammability, and above all, incredible durability.